Raising NLD Superstars is essential reading for all those who come in to contact with children with non-verbal learning disorders (NLD). Instead of insisting upon the one size fits all model of intervention the author focuses on the individual nature of NLD children and offers practical, adaptable advice that will help them find their place both in the family and in wider social groups.

The author shares her experiences of life as the parent of a child with NLD with humanity and humor. She looks not only at day to day practicalities such as making meal times easier for all the family and reaching compromises on inappropriate clothing choices but also at the long-term plan for independence. The book will help parents and carers to support children with NLD to reach their emotional and cognitive potential while taking into account the views and experiences of other family members.


Rubinstien writes with passion and humour, and the book is quite a compelling read because of this. Information about NLD filters through, but mainly the book is like a supportive friend-someone who helps because they know what you are going through. All home educators know the value of shared experiences, so if you have a child with NLD this book will be an encouragement.
Education Otherwise
Raising NLD Superstars is essential reading for all those who come into contact with children with non-verbal learning disabilities (NLD). It focuses on the individual nature of NLD children and offers practical, adaptable advice that will help them find their place both in the family and in wider social groups. The book will help parents and carers to support children with NLD to reach their emotional and cognitive potential while taking on board the views and experiences of everyone else in the family.
Practical Professional Child Care
Marcia Rubinstien has written a wonderful, hopeful, informative book about raising children with NLD to discover their competencies and achieve success and satisfaction in their lives. Marcia's realistic insights reflect her experiences both as a mother of a child with NLD and as an educator. Her understanding, warmth, compassion, and sense of humor come across on every page. This is a book that will be read and re-read by parents and professionals alike.
Robert Brooks, Ph.D., Faculty, Harvard Medical School; author of The Self-Esteem Teacher, and co-author of Raising Resilient Children.