The essential companion, fully revised and updated, to the Australian battlefields on the Western Front, this new edition features:

– Fully updated tour itineraries, including a new dedicated Villers-Bretonneux tour
– Information about new memorials and museums opened since the book was first published, including the new cemetery and visitors centre at Fromelles
– Fully updated travel tips, accommodation listings and web resources
– New personal accounts from soldiers that allow you to view the war through the eyes of the Anzacs

Covering the fourteen most important Anzac battlefields, including Passchendaele, Pozieres and Bullecourt, each with its own illustrated walking tour, this is the definitive guide for anyone who wants to walk in the footsteps of the first Anzacs, see where they fought, and marvel at their spirit and bravery.

Designed around easily accessible walking routes, each tour features a description of the battle, moving quotes from some of the men who fought there, and highlights areas of interest that you can expect to see on your walk including battlefield landmarks, memorials to the men who fought there and the cemeteries where many of them still lie.

More than a travel guide, this is an absorbing read for anyone who wants to go WALKING WITH THE ANZACS.