We all have to take GCSE maths, but that doesn’t mean we all find it easy! If you have been struggling with maths and find working with numbers particularly tough, this is the go-to GCSE maths study guide to help you ace your exams.

This is the first GCSE maths study guide (covering number, proportion and algebra) that uses engaging multisensory methods of learning for students with specific learning differences. It offers unique insight into why you may find maths extra challenging and gives practical advice on how you can adapt your studying processes to suit the way that you learn best.

With a range of study strategies and fun activities, the guide covers topics from fractions, multiplication and division to algebra, quadratics and percentages. With everything tailored to suit young people who think and learn differently, this GCSE maths study guide has all you need to improve your maths skills…and maybe even learn to love maths!


I highly recommend this comprehensive book for every neurodiverse learner working towards GCSE Maths. It provides valuable insight (for the learner and those working with them) into the challenges being neurodiverse can have on the acquisition of maths, but then offers essential tips on overcoming these challenges to achieve success. The study guide covers fundamental topics in a straightforward, easy to follow way with useful visual images and practical examples to aid understanding. A 'must have' resource.
Catherine Eadle, The Dyscalculia Network
This is a wonderful textbook. Packed to the brim with useful strategies and practical tips, it is aimed at those overlooked by more traditional styles of teaching. The focus on readers learning how and why a method works and the positive 'can do' attitude that permeates the whole text make the book an absolute boon to anyone who feels that maths is not for them.
Sophie Goldie, textbook author, examiner and online learning resources developer
A valuable addition to any maths teacher's bookshelf, this contains clear, strategic advice on a range of strategies to support learners, depending on the obstacles they face. Addressed to the learner, it also contains approaches for specific key topics, meaning learners can dip into the sections as they need to support their learning. This book is just what neurodiverse learners, their families and teachers need!
Heather Davis, Independent Mathematics Education Consultant