Subhuti Anand Waight
In the early Seventies, Subhuti worked as a Lobby Correspondent in the Houses of Parliament, writing for The Birmingham Post, which in those days was a daily morning newspaper. But he led a double life, mutating into a weekend hippie and in 1975, several of his friends began returned from India dressed in bright orange clothes and wearing a necklace of wooden beads with a portrait of a guru hanging from it. This was his first introduction to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, who later became known as Osho. Subhuti returned to London and for one year worked again as a Lobby Correspondent, but then gave it up for good, choosing instead to live in the Pune ashram. For 14 years, he lived and worked in the commune surrounding Rajneesh, first in Pune and later at the Rajneesh Ranch in Oregon, USA. After Rajneesh was deported from the US, Subhuti worked for a while on the San Francisco Chronicle, but returned to Pune in 1987 when Rajneesh, after travelling the world, went back to his old ashram. He stayed with the guru until Rajneesh died in January 1990. Since then, Subhuti has worked as a freelance journalist and ghost writer, as well as penning his own books. He divides his time between the UK, Denmark and India.
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