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365 Stupidest Things Ever Said Page-A-Day Calendar 2024
This is the beloved, bestselling calendar that features a rich trove of gaffes, malapropisms, and cringey moments from athletes, entertainers, commentators, and, of course, politicians:…
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“Being Weird Is a Wonderful Thing”
A gift that celebrates being yourself, in your own unique way. Do you ever feel different? A little weird, a little wacky? It’s time to…
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Change Happens
A COMPENDIUM OF WISDOM “Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.” – GEORGE CARLIN When change comes we have two options:…
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The Stupidest Sports Book of All Time
The thrill of victory, the agony of a tight jockstrap. It’s the reason we love sports—you never know what’s going to happen. Sometimes everything clicks,…
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“Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day.”
A book of inspirational quotations, Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day presents hundreds of reminders from some of the smartest people who ever lived—from…
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“It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done.”
Pursuing a dream is hard work, but the right words delivered at the right time—by people who’ve been there and done that—can give us just…
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Stupidest Things Ever Said
Not just stupidity, but obsessive stupidity! Not just random stupidity, but organized stupidity! Here, from the celebrated collectors of the stupidest things ever said, it’s…
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“Dance First. Think Later”
Timeless in their wisdom, thought-provoking in their message, surprising in their truth and memorable in their originality, the right words can give direction, inspiration, and…
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“Don’t Forget to Sing in the Lifeboats”
Uncommon times call for uncommon wisdom. It’s inspiring to hear from people who’ve graduated from the school of hard knocks, yet kept a sense of…
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“Age Doesn’t Matter Unless You’re a Cheese”
"It's ill-becoming for an old broad to sing about how bad she wants it. But occasionally we do." -Lena Horne "I take a simple view…