By the Author
Reading Planet KS2 – The Finney Island Files: Town Hall Horror! – Level 3: Venus/Brown band
Ash, Tabby and Aunt Emmy have crash-landed in Finney Forest after escaping from Perseon V. They've even found the alien leader's spaceship - but they're…
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Reading Planet KS2 – The Finney Island Files: Disco Disaster – Level 2: Mercury/Brown band
Ash and Tabby are hiding out in Aunt Emmy's lighthouse and spying on the alien invaders who have taken over Finney Island. When an opportunity…
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Reading Planet KS2 – The Finney Island Files: Alien Invasion – Level 1: Stars/Lime band
Ash leads a quiet, boring life on Finney Island. He keeps his sporty sister and his scatterbrained parents organised, and does his best to avoid…
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Reading Planet KS2 – The Finney Island Files: Alien Attack! – Level 4: Earth/Grey band
It's time for Ash to take charge and fight back against the robots who have replaced everyone in his home town. Despite being trapped inside…