Robyn Neild
By the Author
Things to Do Now That You’re 40
"You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough." Joe E. Lewis Don't panic, you're only 40. On the bright…
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Things to Do Now That You’re 50
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a…
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Things to Do Now That You’re 70
"As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides." George Sand So what if you're turning 70? After all, with age comes wisdom and a…
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Things to Do Now That You’re 60
"It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln Congratulations dear, you're 60 years young! Take the…
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Things To Do Now That You’re A Mum
Motherhood is messy and beautiful, and comforting and humbling. Congratulations, you are stepping out into a wonderful adventure called motherhood. It is an experience of…
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Things to Do Now That You’re a Dad
You're going to be a dad! Suddenly, after all the waiting - juggling excitement, fear, pride and trepidation - the big word arrives. It is…