By the Author
I Saw It First! Jungle
FAST PACED: a speedy observation game where players put their reflexes to the test as they race to spot the animal. EASY TO LEARN and…
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I Saw It First! Ocean
FAST PACED: a speedy observation game where players put their reflexes to the test as they race to spot the creature. EASY TO LEARN and…
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Finde meinen Doppelgänger
Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen einem Krokodil und einem Alligator? Könnt ihr eine Robbe von einem Seelöwen unterscheiden? Eine Landschildkröte von einer Meeresschildkröte oder einen…
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Maurice, der Kater
Dieses Familienpuzzle mit 200 Puzzle-Teilen ist der perfekte Weg, um den Protagonist*innen des Films Maurice, der Kater wiederzubegegnen! Es zeigt eine hübsche Fotogalerie mit hinreißenden…
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The World of James Bond
1000-PIECE PUZZLE: Piece together the world of James Bond in this exciting jigsaw inspired by the iconic films. The perfect challenge for dedicated James Bond…
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299 Fish (and a diver)
A JIGSAW WITH A TWIST - No two shapes are the same, and each piece is a fish (or other sea creature, plus one that's…
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Animal Family Match
MATCHING GAME FOR NATURE LOVERS - A more challenging take on the traditional pair-based matching game SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS - Gameplay options designed…
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Deep Sea Discovery
EASY TO PLAY: A fun and easy-to-play game for children and families;suitable for age 6+ 2 TO 6 PLAYERS: This game can be enjoyed by…
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Tiere in deiner Umgebung
Wer findet die passenden Fußspuren von 25 Tieren, die in unserer unmittelbaren Umgebung leben? Beinahe alle der in diesem Memo-Spiel vorkommenden Tiere sind in unserer…
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Schwarze Held*innen
Hier erwartet euch eine spannende Begegnung mit bedeutenden People of Colour wie Usain Bolt, Kamala Harris, Spike Lee, Toni Morrison und vielen anderen. In dem…
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The World of James Joyce
1000-PIECE PUZZLE - The perfect gift for fans of James Joyce, Ulysses and Irish literature PIECE TOGETHER THE STORY - This detailed illustration of Joyce's…
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James Bond Bingo
FUN FOR BOND FANS OF ALL AGES - the whole family will love this high-stakes game featuring 64 characters, gadgets and locations from all the…
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The World of Charles Dickens
1000-PIECE PUZZLE: The 1000-piece puzzle reimagines Dickens' life and scenes from his novels in glorious detail BEAUTIFUL, INTRICATE ILLUSTRATIONS: Spot famous fictional characters, fellow writers,…
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Hunde von A bis Z
Dieses Puzzle hat die Form eines Hundes und ist fast genauso groß! Setzt 26 verschiedene Hunderassen zusammen, um einen Dackel zu erhalten, der fast 1…
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Make Your Own Fairy Tale: Hansel & Gretel
Press out and play along as you read! Eight press-out sheets give you all the characters and props you need to re-enact the story of…
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Mein erstes Bingo zu Hause
Mein erstes Bingo. Zu Hause enthält vier verschiedene Bingo-Karten, auf denen je ein Zimmer mit vertrauten Szenen abgebildet ist. Wer sammelt als Erste*r alle passenden…
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Mein erstes Bingo In der Schule
Mein erstes Bingo. In der Schule enthält vier verschiedene Bingo-Karten, auf denen je eine typische Schul- und Kita-Situation abgebildet ist. Wer zuerst alle passenden Bilder…
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I Saw It First! Egypt
Three hundred ancient Egyptians - from gods and goddesses to pharaohs and sphynxes - populate the board of this game. Pull a counter from the…
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Farm Bingo
Farm Bingo is a family-friendly game packed with wonderful farm animals for hours of bingo fun. Beautifully packaged, Farm Bingo is gorgeously illustrated by award-winning…
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Mein erstes Geschichten-Puzzle ZUHAUSE
Ein Kind zieht seinen Schlafanzug an, liest eine Geschichte und schläft ein. Ein anderes Kind rührt Teig für Pfannkuchen, schaut zu, wie sie backen und…
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Willkommen im Dschungel! In diesem lustigen Dschungel-Bingo spielen Kinder mit einem blauen Paradiesvogel, einem Dreiband-Gürteltier und sogar einer giftigen Raupe! Diese und viele andere faszinierende…
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Make Your Own Fairy Tale: Snow White
Press out and play along as you read with Make Your Own Fairy Tale: Snow White! Eight press-out sheets give you all the characters and…
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Pop Art Puzzle
Piece together the pop art universe in this Pop Art Puzzle, depicting the madcap world of art from Botticelli's Birth of Venus to Damien Hirst's…
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My First Story Puzzle Animals
Containing 5 puzzles (each made up of 3 pieces), this attractively boxed set is the perfect gift for early learners. An egg becomes a chick,…
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My First Story Puzzle Nature
Containing 5 puzzles (each made up of 3 pieces), this attractively boxed set is the perfect gift for early learners. A seed sprouts, and then…
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Schmetterlinge und ihre Flügel
Erstaunlich, welche Phänomene die Natur bereithält! Bringt bei diesem wunderschön illustrierten Memo-Spiel 25 Schmetterlinge aus der ganzen Welt anhand der Ober- und Unterseiten ihrer Flügel…
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Dinosaurier sind ein zeitloses Thema und begeistern Kinder (und Erwachsene) immer wieder! Spielt gemeinsam Bingo mit dem riesigen Gigantosaurus, dem gepanzerten Stegosaurus und vielen anderen…
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The Writers Game
„Die Feder ist mächtiger als das Schwert“, aber wessen Feder ist die mächtigste? Wer schrieb mehr, Dickens oder Dostojewski? Wer hat mehr berühmte Figuren erschaffen,…
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Cat Coasters
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the cat lover in your life? Then, look no further! These must-have 15 cardboard coasters feature favourite…
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Dog Coasters
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the dog lover in your life? Then, look no further! These 15 cardboard coasters feature favourite dog…
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Chirp up your card games with this fun, illustrated playing cards set - featuring the most beautiful birds in the world. With suits organised by…
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Katzen und ihre Kätzchen
Führt Katzen und ihre Kätzchen zusammen! Um zu gewinnen, sammelt mehr Paare als eure Mitspielenden. Mit 25 unterschiedlichen Katzenrassen, über die ihr im beiliegenden Booklet…
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Dino Domino
"For a homeschool family, [Dino Domino] is a great independent activity that engages the little ones while mom is working one-on-one with the big kids.…
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Dieses wunderschöne Vogel-Bingo zeigt Vogelarten aus der ganzen Welt. Beobachtet die Vögel - vom Rotkehlchen über den Papageientaucher und der Jägerlieste bis hin zum prächtigen…
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Celebrity Love Match
Test your knowledge of the ever-shifting world of celebrity romance with this beautifully illustrated memory game, featuring 25 famous couples to match up. To play,…
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The Writers Game
Searching for book lover gifts? Look no further than this beautifully illustrated trump card game. Who had the most commercial success in their lifetime, Ernest…
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Prohibition Poker
A luxurious poker set inspired by the bootleggers and glamorous gamblers of the prohibition era. Includes two decks of specially designed playing cards, 200 banknotes,…
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Noisy Animals (A Matching Game)
Does a duck roar? Does a dog hiss? In this box you'll find 25 animals and birds, and 25 cards showing the sounds they make.…
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Genius Art (Genius Playing Cards)
Brighten up your card games with the top talent of four awesome art movements:Pop art = hearts;Impressionism/Post-Impressionism = clubs;Abstract Expressionism = spades;Surrealism = diamonds.Includes 52…
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Tiere und ihr Zuhause
Ein lustiges, einfaches Spiel, bei dem Kinder ihre Lieblingstiere entdecken und ihr Erinnerungsvermögen unter Beweis stellen können: Findet in diesem farbenfrohen Memo-Spiel den Bau des…
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Das geheimnisvolle Schloss
Diese 20 Bildkarten lassen sich beinahe unendlich miteinander kombinieren. Wie auch immer du sie hinlegst, sie passen wie durch Zauberei stets zueinander, sodass sie zusammen…
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The Shadow World
Fire your imagination with these fun storytelling cards. Reviving the Victorian craze for 'myrioramas', the 20 picture cards can be placed in any order to…
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Dieses wunderschön illustrierte Bingo-Spiel stellt 64 Hunderassen aus der ganzen Welt vor. Entdeckt die verschiedenen Hunderassen - vom winzigen Chihuahua bis zur edlen Dogge, vom…
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The Hollow Woods
Diese 20 Bildkarten lassen sich beinahe unendlich mit-einander kombinieren. Wie auch immer du sie hinlegst, sie passen wie durch Zauberei stets zueinander, sodass sie zusammenhängende…
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Which is more dangerous, the great white or the tiger shark? Which is faster, the hammerhead or the basking shark? Which shark hides from predators…
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Sammelt Karten von 52 Gartenblumen und ordnet sie in ihre botanischen Familien ein. Macht die Tulpe mit ihrer Verwandten, der Krötenlilie, bekannt oder sorgt für…
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Monkey Bingo
This family-friendly game is packed with cheeky monkeys and other mischievous primates from all around the world for hours of bingo fun. It features such…
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Love and Romance
Which movie is the most heartbreaking, Titanic or The Notebook? Is Dirty Dancing cheesier than Love Story? And which film is the most quotable, The…
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Guess the Artist
Moustache + Lobster + Flying Cat = which artist? Can you identify a famous artist from just three visual clues? Test your knowledge of art…
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Sticky History of the World
Learn about the history of the world, stickering this inventive new format as you learn! Sticky History of the World includes a large-format, eight-page sticker…
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Scary Bingo
In this fun kids edition play bingo with a menacing mummy, a bowler-hat wearing yeti, a multi-eyed monster and many more creepy creatures in this…
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Royal Bingo
Settle down with your friends and family in the company of a rabble of contemporary monarchs and royalty! This new and updated version of Royal…
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Wilden Tieren auf der Spur
Ein tolles Spiel für alle Fährtenleser*innen: In diesem Memo findet ihr Pfotenabdrücke von 25 wilden Tieren - wer kann sie richtig zuordnen? Hat gerade ein…
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Lord of the Wings
Which has the widest wingspan, a California Condor or a Magnificent Frigatebird? Which lives longest, a Wandering Albatross or an Emperor Penguin? This avian trump…
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20 beautiful postcards to colour in and send. Featuring birds from across the world, including the European robin, the violet-crowned woodnymph and the Chilean flamingo.…
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Stickyscapes Space
Escape Earth’s atmosphere and enter Stickyscapes Space! Over 100 removable stickers and a double-sided panoramic space scene let you learn everything about the Milky Way…
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Dieses wunderschön illustrierte Bingo-Spiel stellt 64 Katzenrassen aus aller Welt vor. Entdeckt die elegante Siamkatze und die seltene Nebelung, die glamouröse Chinchilla und die koboldartige…
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Icons of Style Postcards
A selection of 20 postcards based on the images from the bestselling Icons of Women's Style title. Anita Ekberg • Audrey Hepburn • Bianca Jagger…
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Tattoo Time!
Decorate your arms and legs with these amazing animal transfers and get your pencils ready for mazes, colouring and much, much more in the accompanying…
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The Dreamday Pattern Journal: Japanese Style: Kyoto
The Dreamday Pattern Journal is a new concept in luxury stationery. Each journal contains patterned pages for colouring-in and doodling interleaved with blank pages for…
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The Dreamday Pattern Journal: Marrakech: Moroccan Style
The Dreamday Pattern Journal is a new concept in luxury stationery. Each journal contains patterned pages for colouring-in and doodling interleaved with blank pages for…
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The Dreamday Pattern Journal: Mid-Century Modern – Scandinavian Design
The Dreamday Pattern Journal is a new concept in luxury stationery. Each journal contains patterned pages for colouring-in and doodling interleaved with blank pages for…
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Stickyscapes New York
Stickyscapes New York features all of the most iconic sights of 'The Big Apple', from the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty to Central…
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Dog Domino
This game is for two to four players and contains 28 cute and colourful dog dominoes. Have fun matching seven delightful pooches: Chihuahua, Dachshund, Dalmatian,…
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Stickyscapes Polar
Learn about the North and South Poles with this amazing panoramic play scene! Including more than 100 stickers for you to create your own icy…
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Stickyscapes Tropical
Sticker, learn and play! Bring the tropics to life with more than 100 stickers to add to this panoramic play scene. One side represents the…
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Stickyscapes London
Sticker, learn and play! Create your own real and imaginary London with more than 100 stickers that will bring this panoramic play scene to life.…
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Stickyscapes Paris
Create your own real and imaginary Paris with more than 100 stickers that will bring this panoramic scene to life. One side represents actual, present-day…
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Bug Bingo
This beautifully illustrated bingo game features 64 species of bugs from around the world. Identify all kinds of insects – from the giant hawker dragonfly…
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Bird Postcards
Containing 21 postcards of striking birds from all around the world, colourfully illustrated by Christine Berrie. Spot penguins and puffins, sparrows and blue tits, as…
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Make Your Own Robot
Have you ever dreamt of building your own robot? Or having the most amazing robot collection on your shelf? For robot obsessives of all ages,…
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D & A D 39 2001
Eagerly awaited every year by creative professionals the world over, this thirty-ninth edition of D&AD’s Annual continues to profile the best of British and international…
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Type Style Mixer
Based on the same principle as children’s books where crocodiles can be given elephant’s feet and a duck’s bill, this cocktail of type specimens invites…
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Best of European Design 9 2000
An invaluable archive of the best and most creative work produced by the European dvertising and design industries.