By the Author
Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Light Gluten-free Recipes
Millions of people either suffer from gluten intolerance or choose to reduce their intake of gluten as part of a healthy lifestyle. With stunning photographs…
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How can you shake off niggling everyday worries? By colouring in these intricate illustrations, you will find your mind clearing and stress disappearing. Simply choose…
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How can you free yourself from niggling everyday worries? When your mind is distracted simply pick up this collection of 70 intricate designs inspired by…
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Just 5: Vegetarian
With no more than 5 ingredients, you can create simple and delicious vegetarian meals that are packed full of flavour and easily adaptable - for…
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Just 5:Slow Cooker
Be amazed at what delicious slow-cooked dishes you can make with no more than 5 ingredients - for example, Red Pepper & Chorizo Tortilla, Tangy…
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Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Light Vegetarian Dishes
Cutting down on red meat is a great way to avoid eating too much saturated fat, as well as keeping your cholesterol low. Now that…
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Hamlyn Quickcook: Gluten-Free Meals
Gluten-free eating is a way of life for those who suffer from coeliac disease or gluten allergies or for those who simply prefer to cut…