By the Author
Mastering Mathematics for OCR GCSE: Higher 2
Exam Board: OCR Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2017 Build your students' knowledge and understanding so that they can…
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Mastering Mathematics for WJEC GCSE: Intermediate
Exam Board: WJEC Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2017 Help students get to grips with the new style examinations…
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Mastering Mathematics for OCR GCSE: Foundation 1
Exam Board: OCR Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2017 ENDORSED FOR OCR Build your students' knowledge and understanding so…
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Mastering Mathematics for Edexcel GCSE: Foundation 1
Exam Board: Edexcel Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2017 ENDORSED FOR EDEXCEL Help students to develop their knowledge, skills…
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Mastering Mathematics for OCR GCSE: Foundation 2/Higher 1
Exam Board: OCR Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2017 ENDORSED FOR OCR Build your students' knowledge and understanding so…
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Mastering Mathematics for Edexcel GCSE: Foundation 2/Higher 1
Exam Board: Edexcel Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2017 Endorsed by Edexcel Help students to develop their knowledge, skills…